Idaho Skin Center

GENTLECURE Skin Cancer Treatment

“That was so easy! It is comforting to see the skin cancer as it clears.”


“It’s like a miracle! I was dripping in sweat before, and now I can actually go out places. I feel so good, and I am so happy!”

“I feel like I have the energy I did in my 20s, and I’m in my 40s. All guys should look into this.”

• “Hormone Balancing is the best!! Ever since getting the pellets I’ve found I’m more calm, I have more patience with others, and I don’t get Anxiety when I travel at the airport anymore! More people should look into this!”


“I was so surprised to see the amount of gunk that came out of my pores. My skin feels so smooth and fresh now!”

VANQUISH Fat Reduction

“People have been asking me what I’m doing because I have a waist again! Money well spent!”

EMSCULPT Muscle Building

“I can really tell in my back that my core is strong after Emsculpt. My back is straighter and I have less pain. Even my golf game has improved. None of my buddies can keep up.”


“I can finally tuck my shirt in without being self conscious that my love handles will give me a muffin top.”