Surgical Dermatology

Remove suspicious skin growths, lesions, skin tags, seborrheic keratoses, Cysts, and other skin abnormalities.

Surgical Options

  • A shave biopsy is a procedure that is used to remove minor suspicious skin growths. Our medical provider will shave the lesion’s surface and send it to the lab to be examined. A shave biopsy can also be performed to remove innocuous skin tags and seborrheic keratoses with satisfactory cosmetic results.

  • Cysts and other subcutaneous growths can be removed in-office. A cyst is a closed sac beneath the skin that contains fluids and/or soft or hard material. Cysts can be found everywhere on the body. Although they are usually slow-growing, painless, and moveable lumps beneath the skin, they can occasionally become irritated and sensitive. If cyst removal is required or desired, treatment options are available.

  • Simple excision can be used to eliminate skin growths. This growth or lesion is taken out and eliminated with a simple excision. To alleviate any discomfort, local anesthesia is administered to the region of interest prior to the excision. Using a surgical blade, our medical provider will remove the lesion, and a margin of normal-appearing skin, before closing the area with healthcare grade special glue or stitches. This removed tissue is then taken for lab analysis in order to determine the cause of the growth.

Surgical Dermatology