Soften wrinkles in motion with prescription injections. Smooth the forehead, around the eyes, and other areas without looking frozen.

1. Glabellar Lines (Frown Lines): Dysport/Botox is highly effective in reducing the appearance of vertical lines between the eyebrows. These lines, often referred to as frown lines, are the result of repeated muscle movements and can make individuals appear angry or tired. Dysport diminishes the muscle activity responsible for these lines, resulting in a smoother, more youthful appearance.
2. Crow's Feet: Dysport/Botox can also be used to soften the fine lines that radiate from the corners of the eyes, commonly known as crow's feet. By relaxing the underlying muscles, Dysport reduces the prominence of these lines, providing a more rejuvenated appearance.
3. Forehead Lines: Horizontal lines across the forehead can be effectively treated with Dysport. By injecting into the specific muscles, Dysport helps relax them, resulting in a more relaxed appearance, with smoother forehead skin.
4. Bunny Lines: In a similar way to crow's feet, are the fine lines or wrinkles that develop over time on the skin on your face and are so-called because they are visible when you scrunch your nose up adorably.

Idaho Skin Center
Dysport/Botox Treatment

At Idaho Skin Center, we offer Dysport/Botox treatment as a safe and effective option for addressing certain medical conditions and aesthetic concerns. Dysport is an FDA-approved injectable that is used to temporarily improve the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines) and other areas of the face.


Overview of Dysport/Botox & Treatment Procedure

Dysport/Botox is a prescription medication that contains botulinum toxin type A, which, when administered in small and controlled doses, can relax specific muscles and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines. This neurotoxin works by blocking the nerve signals that cause certain muscles to contract, leading to the formation of wrinkles.

Treatment Procedure: Before proceeding with a Dysport/Botox treatment, our experienced medical professionals will conduct a thorough consultation. This will allow them to understand the patient's specific concerns, medical history, and expectations. Once deemed suitable for treatment, the procedure can begin.

Expected Results and Recovery:

Following a Dysport/Botox treatment, the onset of results can typically be seen within a couple of days, with full effects becoming evident within one to two weeks. Patients can expect smoother, more youthful-looking skin, with a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and lines.
Dysport/Botox is a non-surgical procedure and does not require any downtime. Patients can resume their daily activities immediately after the treatment. However, it is important to follow any specific aftercare instructions provided by our medical professionals to ensure optimal results.

↓ Dysport/Botox Journey ↓


The day of your appointment, Botox / Dysport are given by our Doctor through a series of small injections.


Don’t worry... redness, swelling, or bruising around the treated area will subside with time.


Results from Botox/Dysport are not immediate. You will begin to see them appear gradually over 1 -2 weeks time. Make sure to plan your appointment according to any events planned.

Safety and Possible Side Effects:

Dysport is a well-tolerated treatment with minimal side effects. However, as with any medical procedure, there can be some potential risks. Common side effects may include mild bruising, swelling, and redness at the injection site. These effects are typically temporary and resolve on their own within a few days.

At Idaho Skin Center, We prioritize patient safety and satisfaction, ensuring that you receive personalized care and achieve the desired aesthetic results. Schedule a consultation with our skilled team to learn more about these treatments and find out how they can enhance your natural beauty.

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