The Truth About Testosterone Replacement In Women & Why You Should Consider it

Helps Prevent Osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s Dementia, And Heart Disease.

  • It also turns back the clock of aging. Yes, you read that right. Testosterone replacement can be an important part of your dermatology anti-aging plan. Read further for more info on how testosterone affects the health of your skin.

  • It’s one of the most important hormones for preventing disease and making you leaner, stronger, and more vibrant.

  • I’m also going to give you examples of very important conversations to have with your doctor about testosterone replacement.

What Is Testosterone?

  • Although testosterone is commonly thought of and referred to as a male hormone, it’s actually mistakenly labeled as such.

  • Women make testosterone in their adrenal glands and ovaries at about 10% of a man’s testosterone levels.

  • The most common fear preventing women from pursuing testosterone therapy is that they are afraid they will develop masculine traits.

  • The truth is, this only happens in females using synthetic (not bioidentical or natural) testosterone at irresponsibly high doses.

Testosterone In Women Has Amazing Benefits.

  • Improves Your Skin: Testosterone increases your skin’s collagen and elasticity. Testosterone replacement after 35 can be included as part of your cosmetic dermatology maintenance plan. It improves your skin’s fullness and structure resulting in a youthful, vibrant glow.

  • Improves Bone Health: Vitamin D, calcium, and estrogen all have a massive role in bone health, bone preservation, and the prevention of osteoporosis, especially when combined with testosterone. Testosterone is 3x as powerful at laying down new bone than estrogen!

  • Increases Lean Mass: the better you are at metabolizing sugar, the leaner you are. Testosterone improves insulin sensitivity and decreases visceral fat. This helps to prevent diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Optimizing your testosterone rewards the hard work you put into your diet and exercise with the lean mass and strength you deserve.

  • Increases Energy, Strength, And Endurance: I don’t know one human being on the planet who doesn’t desire more strength, more stamina, more endurance, and the ability to endure a long day and still feel like you have something in the tank. Testosterone is absolutely involved in that process.

  • Lowers Your Cardiovascular Risk: Testosterone, when combined with estradiol or estrogen replacement, can lower your cardiovascular risk by lowering LDL (bad cholesterol), increasing HDL (good cholesterol).

Here Are 3 Conversations That You Need To Be Having With Your Doctor:

  1. What Are My Levels, And Are They Optimal? Much like testosterone for men, there is an optimal total testosterone level for women, where the benefits have their maximum effect. An optimal testosterone level should mirror when you were around 25 years old and you felt the best. The optimal total testosterone range for a woman is between 100-300.

  2. What About Testosterone Replacement And Pregnancy? You should not use HRT if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning a pregnancy. If you become pregnant while on testosterone therapy, you must immediately stop using it, and not resume it until you are done with the pregnancy or breastfeeding. Make sure to have a conversation with your doctor before you start testosterone.

  3. Here Are The Big Take-Home Points For Testosterone Replacement In Women: Women age 35 and older can benefit from testosterone replacement. Testosterone can help you reduce the risk for certain diseases, feel better, and live longer. Normal is not the same as optimal when it comes to testosterone levels.

I hope this information increases your understanding of testosterone replacement and how it can help you live a long, vibrant, and active life.

Take Care

— Dr. K

Stay tuned for more with our next blog!

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